Thursday, June 3, 2010

do over

It was true. Sarah was sure of it now. She was too old to be a Scene Queen.

"How can you say that?" Lucy couldn't believe it.

"I want my true hair color." She'd decided. "And its too expensive. All that crap you have to wear."

"Oh, so now you've come down off your cloud. Is that it? No more dreaming, big time, huh?" Lucy didn't know what to make of it. They were with the band after all. That hadn't changed. They were there for their guys.

"Sorry. I'm tired of being mean. I'm tired of wanting to be complete when I never am." Sarah was sad about this. Of course, her hair really didn't look much different after she washed out the black and bits of purple in it. She looked like she might be ready for office work now. Her uncle had promised her an office job this summer.

"God, you're really ruining it for me, you know." Naturally, Sarah got Lucy to wash the crap out of her hair too. She looked like someone might really hire her somewhere. But then no one was really hiring. Sarah had just been fortunate enough about her uncle letting her on at his law office. "What will you do when, you know, stuff starts to happen for the freaknoids? Huh?"

Sarah just smiled. Lucy was as dingy as she ever was.


ellie said...

glad they're back. sensible too.

Unknown said...

very interesting

so jade said...

this should be very fun..interesting too.

Holly said...

They've changed some.

lily said...

Goodie. Can't wait for more.

aysegul said...

they're very romantıc sugars :D:D:D
love you :)

Anonymous said...

so interesting.

ari said...

hello hun :)
thanks for stopping by my blog, come back soon :)


sid and violet said...

can't wait for more!

jeremy's turn said...

this'll be fun for summer..and more.

Feny said...

nice fanfic

meg said...

you must write more.

he and him said...

oh, you need to write more.

simon and josh said...

can't wait to read about the band.

Berlin said...

Thank you =)

That was a full A4 size drawing.

Making rainbows,