Tuesday, December 4, 2012

imagine that

Manny wasn't sure he really belonged at Em's.

"She's just putting up with me," he said when Allie asked while he was picking up Angie.

"How can you say that?" She asked handing over the trusty diaper bag.

"Well," Manny shrugged. "Its not like I hate it or anything. But she's so used to doing so many things alone." He didn't know how to explain it. "I feel like I'm intruding." There was hot pizza waiting in the car from Em's favorite place so she wouldn't have to cook supper.

"You're not intruding." Allie shook her head and rolled her eyes. She had a date night planned with Casey. They were going dancing. She was already in her vintage party dress, a Christmas plaid dress with a red petticoat giving that extra detail of flare.

"You guys have a good time, tonight." Manny smiled. It was nice to see Allie dressed up. He supposed it wouldn't hurt if he took Em out, more.

He left soon enough and got Angie and the veggie pizza home. They had a little place in the corner of the livingroom for all of Angie's things. A little pink bed and a doll house along with a box of toys.

After getting the table ready, they all set down to pizza and a green salad.

"Maybe we should have date night." Manny shrugged as if that possibly wasn't the best way to suggest it.

Em only eyed him as if that was just crazy.

"We could go downtown to see the Christmas lights." He smiled, looking at Angie. "I bet someone would like the children's museum and the old train station." He touched her nose and she smiled as she chewed pizza.

"Or, there's this new sushi place. Just you and me." He looked at Em, thinking it might not be a date night if Angie came along.

"Spencer thinks I should paint my dresser silver," she said.

"Silver?" Manny couldn't imagine a silver dresser without it being practically gaudy. "OK, I guess that could be a date thing if..if you want.."

She nodded.

"I bet I know what you really want to do." Manny chuckled as if he'd figured it out. "You want us to go out with Spencer and Bucky."

She managed a smile. He guessed they really did need to go out with Spencer and Bucky. That way, they'd know if they could live at Spencer's. Possibly.


Sara said...

Good idea! :)

Cafe Fashionista said...

Definitely a good idea!! :)

Kristi said...

Fabulous xoxo

MOSAMUSE said...

love going downtown to see the lights :)
