"So how long will they be here?" Allie asked Declan who brought Caity by while River was showing his brother and his brother's wife around the college campus.
Declan thought the zoo might be fun so he was bringing Allie along and her baby for the trip.
"They haven't said." He shrugged. As it was Caity took to him like a long lost relative. He read to her and she drew him pictures. Honestly, he didn't want them to go.
"You have enough room for all those people at your place?" Allie wondered as she was packing them a picnic lunch, including her very amazing chicken salad sandwiches and homemade sweet potato chips.
"Yeah, we're OK." He guessed they could live like this for a few more days even if River was growing restless with too much company. River did like having the place to themselves. And of course, the cat that really wasn't theirs was no where around with Caity there. "How about you?" He wanted to know how it was going with Craig here.
"Fine." She sounded indifferent, but he didn't quite believe her.
"Are you sure?" Declan couldn't help but have an open grin.
"Of course." She winced as if he should shut up. "I haven't been feeling so well."
"Are you all right?" Declan was concerned then.
"I'm sure its nothing. Its just, I'm so tired, lately." She put her hands on her back. "One good thing, with Craig around, I don't feel much like eating."
"And that's a good thing?" He waited for her to explain.
"Yeah, I know I've lost weight, but I feel so heavy, you know." She slightly scowled. Of course, she looked as voluptuous, as always. Her short body was stout, but her confidence could pull just about anything off, even in capris and a white tunic. It might have been the dead of winter and bits of snow still about. They would be going to the indoor places at the zoo. He knew she'd be fine in her pink Converse sneakers. She was always warm natured.
"If you don't want to go..."
"I want to go. I need to get away from all this." Finally, she told him her feelings about Cory, how she was about to give up on him, but where would she go? If she did?
I love that they are taking time to talk, I would go nuts with all of those people in my house. I don't know how be does it.
Allie definitely needs someone to confide in.
Oh, I hope she figures things out. :/
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