Monday, September 3, 2012

jolt of reality

Keith wouldn't dare admit it, but he hated concerts. He did. But he was here. He tried his best to keep up with Fergie because she insisted on going. She said she'd sit at the table where the Tee-shirts and CDs would be sold.

Was she there? Of course, not.

That girl could move and she was jumping up and down as if she were some crazy teenager who waited all summer for this concert. God knows, how she would have been if someone really famous was there.

Keith took deep breaths as if he needed to calm himself. He was the adult here, but he was certain he couldn't stop her if he tried. But the longer he waited he couldn't decide who was the real idiot. Maybe they both were.

Yes, he saw that she still needed to capture her youth while he waited on the side lines as if he were too old for this. Yet, there his fab boyfriend was playing his heart out on the drums. Sweat streamed down Benny's face as if the night were young and he'd endure hours of this with love and an inner rockstar rage.

Keith couldn't help to be a little proud of him. Although, he wished that cousin of his had a little more sense. She going to have a baby. How sexy did she think she could be in a snug Freaknoid Army Tee-shirt? Did she think she was rock'n it? Keith sighed with his arms hugging him tight.

No, he didn't wear anything of significances to support the band. Just in his usual casual gold plaid shirt, tucked into his trim jeans, looking as if he could be someone's young father who would break up a fight at a moment's notice.

But the crowd of girls jumped in unison. Even the boys got into the motion of the concert. From one cover to the next. Now a set of Green Day songs reached new heights. Were they ever going to do original stuff?

Keith was growing tired and then he saw that look on Fergie's face as if maybe she actually had jumped in the air one too many times. Immediately, Keith pushed through to get to her.

"I'm thirsty." He thought he heard her say as he helped her out of the out-skirts of the mosh.

"Sure." He got to where the refreshments were. Luckily, Lucy helped as they set her down. "Are you OK?" Fergie looked so sleepy as if she might fall into a dream state of some kind.

She nodded as she took a sip of cold bottled water. Her face trickled with sweat. She squeezed her eyes shut as if she might buckle. He held her hand. She squeezed it so tight. She might of murmured something. But it was almost electric the pulse that sparked Keith's eyes wide.

He knew he couldn't stop the music, but somebody needed to get to the hospital.


MOSAMUSE said...

hope she gets better!

ellie said...

This could be the start of a very long night.

Cafe Fashionista said...

Oh, I hope she's okay! :(

Gianella Peralta said...

Hey, what's wrong?

Gianella Peralta said...

Hey, what's wrong?

lucy and sarah said...

Fergie's going to have her baby.

Anonymous said...

I hope she gets through this.